What is League of Legends?

League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Riot Games in 2009. This site https://go99.select/ game is free to play and boasts more than 150 million players. It is one of the world’s most popular esports, with several professional and amateur leagues competing worldwide. League of Legends is rated T for Teen.

What’s the game objective of League of Legends?

Two teams of five players battle to destroy the opposing team’s base, known as the Nexus. The map, known as Summoner’s Rift, is split into two sides (Red and Blue). Each side has its own Nexus with two attack towers for additional defense. The two sides are connected by three Lanes (known as Top Lane, Mid Lane, and Bottom Lane) with additional attack towers. As the game begins, each team’s Nexus will spawn sets of minions that will automatically march towards their opponent’s side and attack opponents in their range.

Each player will spawn in their team’s Fountain (a protected area just behind the Nexus), where players can return at any time to buy items, replenish their resources, and respawn if they were eliminated.

Throughout the match, each player will pilot their own unique Champion and become more powerful by collecting experience points to level up, earning gold to purchase items that enhance their champion’s abilities.

Teams will strategize before the game and adapt as the match goes on to push through the lanes, take down their opponent’s towers, and ultimately destroy their opponent’s Nexus to win the game.

Which Champions can I choose from?

Players can select from a pool of over 140 Champions, each with their own unique playstyles, difficulties, and roles within the game. Champions can be unlocked by playing League of Legends and unlocking them manually, with an Xbox PC Game Pass, or through the promotional Campus League Unlock program. Check out all the Champions here!

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Starting champions

When you start the game, you will have to choose a champion to pilot. This can be a very stressful decision, considering there are around 165 champions at the time of writing this (November 2023). Don’t worry though, you’ll only be able to choose from 30 champions. These champions are:

  • Ashe
  • Brand
  • Caitlyn
  • Darius
  • Dr. Mundo
  • Garen
  • Lux
  • Master Yi
  • Miss Fortune
  • Sivir
  • 20 rotation champions that change every week (you don’t get access to these until level 11).

Competition/Match Information

What is the match format?

Teams will compete in a Best-of-3 games format. The first team to obtain 2 game wins will be awarded the win for the match. Each game lasts about 30 minutes on average.

What days will League of Legends be played on?

League of Legends’ official match days will be on Tuesdays.

Additional Resources

What is Campus League Unlock?

Campus League Unlock is a promotion offered by Riot Games that unlocks in-game content such as champions and skins. View Campus League Unlocked for more information.

Where can I find more resources to improve my play?

Many professional League of Legends players and content creators provide tutorials and useful information on YouTube. This can range from extensive guides on specific champions to general beginner’s guides to the gameplay. Top players will also show their matches on YouTube and Twitch to explain their mindset and reasonings. With this in mind, record and review your team’s matches to help them overcome their weaknesses and capitalize on their strengths.

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